Coffee Spotlight: Jarrod's Coffee, Tea and Gallery

Jewelry, art, and coffee? At Jarrod’s Coffee, Tea, and Gallery, you can have it all. The original cafe used to focus solely on jewelry and art, but something was missing. It wasn’t until a suggestion from a colleague that Jarrod integrated coffee in 2015. “I didn’t know anything about coffee. My first espresso shot was here!” Jarrod spoke honestly about the experience. He hired baristas who knew what they were doing, and it turned out to be the missing piece.

Now Jarrod’s is a hub for hosting events, everything from art nights to poetry nights to open mics. The cafe loves supporting local artists, and the art changes all the time, giving you a different experience every time you walk in. Jarrod’s style and vibe is definitely unique, and is a reflection and expression of who Jarrod is:

“I like everything extreme, over the top. People first walk in and they're like, ‘oh whoa!’ It’s a lot to handle. But I like that! Anything I do, I like to go over the top,” he said. 

 Jarrod’s is a lot of things, but most of all, it’s a place where people can be themselves and meet other people, and sometimes, these meetings even grow into something bigger. Just last week, a couple who had met there three years ago, got engaged! As Jarrod put it succinctly, “I’m just grateful to have a place to show the love.”

reviews, eventsMer Norwood