Life Lessons and Wonderspaces Arizona

Woo-hoo the future is bright! Admittedly I’ve been stuck battling the chaos of the present. I felt stuck in the same routine with no idea how to get out of a rut. But I see a new beginning on the horizon, because I’ve realized a few things:

Life is filled with choices. Each choice has consequences but no matter what you choose, just OWN it. Even if it’s scary, or different, make a choice, because it’s yours only and you have to live with it.

Some things aren’t meant to be. You can try your hardest to make things work with certain people, but if the chemistry isn’t there, just let them go. There’s enough people and love to go around to surround yourself with those who matter and recognize your talents.

Design your own path. Whether it’s setting your own goals or dreams, think about what you want your life to look like and start aligning your actions to dictate your lifestyle. The journey is sometimes more important than the destination.

All these life thoughts are inspired by the awesome art installation at Wonderspaces Arizona at Scottsdale Fashion Square.

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